Saturday 22 January 2011

Interview Preparation

After a recent interview, I thought it would be worth noting down some of my experiences so I will be even more prepared next time and hopefully give some people a few tips at the same time.

What I thought went well:
  • Suit, tie combination on point. Plain dark coloured suit, with a white shirt and a dark tie.
  • Simple watch (to let the interviewer know I'm punctual) - Also arrive about 10 minutes before each interview.
  • Polished shoes.
  • Prepared to talk about previous experiences with the objective of highlighting particular technical and competency skills.
  • Send a thank you e-mail later in the day to convey my appreciation for the time taken for the interview and include my contact details in case they had any questions. If you can't work out their e-mail address by knowing the company e-mail format (i.e. then you should ask for a business card at the end of the interview.
Things I should do better:
  • Arriving half an hour in advance of an interview is a bit too early. You don't want to be hanging around for too long before you start.
  • It would be useful to note down technical / analysis skills along with examples as a way to prepare for the interview better.
  • Better knowledge of very simple and generic examples of your analytical skills you can talk about.
  • Identify the main challenges you have faced in your experience and be able to talk about how you did or didn't get around these.
  • Prepare to talk through successes in your career.