Tuesday 29 June 2010

Life Without Buttons - Transition to the iPhone

With so many articles focussing on the obvious and sometimes less than obvious superior functions of the new iPhone 4. This article will focus on some of the flaws discovered by a user who has only recently joined the touch screen phenomenon that took off with the iPhone range.

As a touch typist at 100 wpm, I am very well aquatinted with the Qwerty keyboard. Even, on the bold, I could boast about typing long e-mails or text messages within a matter of seconds. On the iPhone however, I keep finding myself turning to the landscape keyboard just to help build up some speed when completing longer e-mails and texts. This is not always convenient when on the move, particularly when you are trying to drive (not that I ever would do that)!

The lack of exterior control to switch between tracks is staggering. My routine includes a 10 minute walk to the station, where I would change tracks a good 6 or 7 times. It was easy to with the iPod in my pocket and as it was practically an extension of my thigh, I could change tracks, adjust volume, without even taking the MP3 player out of my pocket. Very handy, especially when in the rain. I am getting very tired of taking the phone out every 2 minutes to change tracks.

Ring Tones

Since Motorola v600, we have been able to customise ring tones. Why would this function be overlooked? Although, I may be a bit too old to have big pimipin pumping out of my phone every time it rings, I still want the option to be there.

The exterior switch to go from loud to vibrate is a nice touch. However, being so used to switching between silent, vibrate (no sounds) and loud (no vibrate) as customised profiles I already have setup on my Bold, I find it extremely annoying having to customise why profile every time. Surely, a phone with 32 GB of memory can remember 3 profiles!

Finally, who came up with 18 and 24 month contracts and how has the office of fair trading not got involved here. Most people I know can’t hold a job down for more than 12 months, let alone a girlfriend or a phone contract!

Saturday 2 January 2010

Excellent Blackberry Apps

Bought some new applications for the Bold 9700...

BerryBuzz extends your default Blackberry alert system. BerryBuzz allows you to customze the LED color for many alert types, it keeps the LED flashing for longer than the default 15 minutes and it will repeat alerts until acknowledged so you will never miss an alert again.

Aces Traffic pack - Great game!

MiPhone - iPhone theme